Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Marketing Tips

Hi Everyone,

This is a news letter that I subscribe to. When it is this good, I have just got to pass it on.

Internetwork Marketing Newsletter September 2009

Does your online copy writing sell? All too often for many
people it does not. I have been studying quite a bit on this
subject and making some changes to the copy on my websites and I
have to tell you it does make a difference.

After making a few minor wording changes and layout to my
website, I doubled the amount of subscribers to this list.

If you are struggling to make money online, I encourage you to
learn all you can about effective copy writing.

I compiled this Squidoo lens to help you.


You can also visit message boards and forums and ask for
feedback. This is an excellent way to view your website through
the eyes of other people.

Here are a few basic things to consider when writing copy for
your website or for any blog post, article or text online.

1. What are the main keywords? This is crucial for the search
engines. Make sure that these are in the title of your web page
and ideally they should also appear in the title on your page.
2. Always make the title on your web page a bit larger than the
rest of the print. You may also want to bold it and make it red
so that it stands out from everything else.
3. Is your title catchy, and interesting? Many people will not
continue reading the rest of the page, if the title does not
their attention.
4. Is the rest of the text clear, easy to understand, written at
a ninth grade level, and free of any unnecessary words?
5. Is there a clear call to action? Or there may even be more
than one if you are both selling a product and offering a free
report or something else.
6. Do you avoid linking to a lot of off site pages, which may
distract the reader and cause them to leave your site?

Recommended Resource

The 100 Greatest Headlines Ever Written-


These headlines are the classics that have made millions when
they were used either in advertising, or books.

Best of luck with your copy writing!
This all comes from a news letter by AnnaLaura Brown that I just had to pass on to you.

Thanks for reading, Lenisa

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